Reducing the size of jquery via "pick&choose"

Reducing the size of jquery via "pick&choose"

Hi guys,
I've been using jquery for a while now. I've used Prototype & mootools
in the past but being the optimizer that I am, I was so impressed by
the tiny size and the elegance of jquery .
Size is probably one of the reasons a lot of developers jumped onto
the Jquery bandwagon but I am positive that we could take it to a new
level by further size reduction.
When approaching this problem, I noticed a lot of developers will
suggest packing Jquery with either Packer or JSMIN then serving it
with a gzip compression. I was just wondering, is it possible to have
a Pick 'n Choose ala Mootols style for Jquery? This could potentially
bring the size down by 30-60%.
Let me hear your thoughts on this