'refresh' click event

'refresh' click event

This is driving me crazy, and is probably just a ridiculous error on
my part.
I have a link that takes the visitor to a 'detail' page. I want to
use jquery to have that detail link toggle a table display instead of
taking them to another page (if they have javascript enabled).
I have it working to open, but it does not close. I think I just need
to re-bind the click handler, but hopefully someone with more
experience can tell me this. My code is:
function openDetailClick() {
        $('a.detail_show').click(function(event) {
            if( ($(this).parent().parent().next().css('display', 'none')) ) { //
display is none so we need to show
                $(this).text('Close detail'); // change the link text
                $(this).parent().parent().next().show(); //
            else if(($(this).parent().parent().next().css('display', '')) ) { //
currently being shown
                $(this).text('View detail'); // change link text back
                $(this).parent().parent().next().css('display', 'hide'); //hide
The abbreviated html structure is:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        <tr class="reg_summary">    <td>[detail link here]</td></tr>
        <tr class="reg_list_detail" style="display: none">
                <tr><td>Address: </td><td>Address'</td></tr>
                <div id="action_nav"></div>
Thanks much for any help