Refresh CSS after ajax call

Refresh CSS after ajax call

Hi everyone;

I have a problem when i get data from my api and appended this results to link in my html code.

  1.  <div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed"  data-theme="b">
  2.       <a href="listingresults.html" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-icon="search" id="results">Results</a>
  3. </div>
This is my html code, now my jquery code is:

  1. $(document).ready(function(){
        function getTotallistings(){
        location = $('#location').val();
        priceStart = $('#priceStart').val();
        priceEnd = $('#priceEnd').val();
        beds = $("input[name='beds']:checked").val();
        baths = $("input[name='baths']:checked").val();
        type = $("input[name='type']:checked").val();
                url : 'URL',
                dataType : 'jsonp',
                data : {
                    location: location,
                    priceStart: priceStart,
                    priceEnd: priceEnd,
                    beds: beds,
                    baths: baths,
                    type: type
                $('#results').html(data+' Results');
        var location = '';
        var priceStart;
        var priceEnd;
        var beds;
        var baths;
        var type;
        $('#location').live('change', function(){

When my button with id results change with the result this missing the css.

Can we help me?
