Regaring Remove the JQuery Effect on HTML table in JavaScript

Regaring Remove the JQuery Effect on HTML table in JavaScript


I have use the below code in Ajax for first 3 column is constant whenever we scroll horizontal. 
While adding new row in HTML table , i am able to add but first three columns of new row are not visible.Remaining columns are visible.So i need to remove the JQuery effect which i have given in previous function..

Jquery Effect

   var table = $('#tbl_Material').DataTable({
            scrollY: "300px",
            scrollX: true,
            scrollCollapse: true,
            paging: false
        new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns(table, {
            leftColumns: 3

Need to Remove Jquery  Effect in below function
function addnewMaterials() {

    try {
        var RowNew = 'NewRow';
        var isvalid = true;
        var Distribution_HTML = "";
        var table1 = document.getElementById('tbl_Material');
        var rowIndex = table1.rows.length;
        var counter = 6;
        for (var i = 1; i < counter; i++) 
            var row = table1.insertRow(rowIndex);
            oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "left";
   = "Red";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td><img id='img_delete" + rowIndex + "' style='max-width:none;' src='/BHARATFORGE/Img/Delete.GIF'  onclick=show_confirm(" + rowIndex + ") alt='Click here to delete this Entry.' /><input type='hidden' id='NewRow" + rowIndex + "' value='newRow'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  id='txt_Material_Code" + rowIndex + "' value=''/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td><input type='text' style='width: 300px;' id='txt_Material_Desc" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td width='130px'><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;' id='txt_Info_Cat" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  id='txt_UOM" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Basic_Rate" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_landed_Rate" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;' id='txt_tax_code" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  onmousedown='setcal(' id='txt_Eff_date" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Quantity" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Dis_Per_Gross_VAlue" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text'   style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;'  id='txt_Dis_Per_Qty" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;'  id='txt_Packing" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;' id='txt_PackinP_Qty" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Excise" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Excie_Per_Qty" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Vat_Set_off" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Vat_Non_Set_off" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_Ser_Set_Off" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;'  onkeyup='return chknumeric(;'  id='txt_Ser_Non_set_off" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text' style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;' id='txt_CST" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

            var oCell = row.insertCell();
            oCell.align = "center";
            Distribution_HTML = "<td ><input type='text'  style='width: 110px;' onkeyup='return chknumeric(;'  id='txt_LBT" + rowIndex + "'/></td>";
            oCell.innerHTML = Distribution_HTML;

    catch (Exc) {
        alert('Exc' + Exc);