Reload page with hash in it

Reload page with hash in it

I have a page, which in some point I want to reload (I'm doing "full" refresh, but I don't might refreshing only the "page").

if I'm doing window.location.reload() it works fine.

but I want to reload the page using the same url and get parameters, but only with a hash (#something) added to it.
I'm trying to do something like:

window.location = window.location.pathname + "?get_parameters"+ "#"+"hashtag"

the issue is that JQM somehow listening to this hash, and if I'm doing this, it change to the url of my first page in the history.

in general, how can I use the hash to my needs? I want to create a navbar or controlgroup which will "scroll" to specific position in the page. Can I face problems if I'll use the hash for this?