Remove data-type="horizontal" in javascript

Remove data-type="horizontal" in javascript

Hi, I would like to dynamically change the checkboxradio widget from horizontal to vertical depending on the width of the page.

window.matchMedia raises an event when the window becomes small. Then using  $('.fieldset').attr('data-type', ""); the ="horizontal" part can be removed. When you create a page with just "data-type" on the fieldset the radio buttons are shown vertically as intended. However, when doing this dynamically nothing happens.

I tried to call refresh() on the fieldset, but I don't know how best to do that. I get an Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on checkboxradio prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh'. Maybe this has to do with the moment the matchMedia event occurs. See (drag the window so it gets smaller than 800px)

Currently to solve this I rebuild the page in code-behind:

  1.   $( currentPage).remove(); //Remove the current page so it does not get mixed with the new one
  2.   $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", thisPageURL, {
  3.             transition: "none", showLoadMsg: true
  4.     }) 

but it would be much more elegant to do this directly with jQuery.

Any ideas/suggestions/start-all-over comments? 
