Replacing jquery animation type with variables

Replacing jquery animation type with variables


I'm kind of newbie and struggling right now with some workaround for the IE7/8 PNG transparency issue.

what I have already done is that I'm replacing the fadeIn() with show() and fadeOut() with hide():

// setting variables
var showElemIEFix = 'fadeIn', hideElemIEFix = 'fadeOut';

// browser check, setting animation to show/hide
if  (!$.support.leadingWhitespace) {
   showElemIEFix = 'show';
   hideElemIEFix = 'hide'


what I need is to pass a constant duration value with my variable [hideElemIEFix]() when the if statement is true to get on IE 7/8:

The ZERO (0) in show is important for delay to get it work. If I don't pass duration value on show(), delay wouldn't trigger.

for other Browsers it is ok, when I have: