Reported Spam! ¿?

Reported Spam! ¿?

Hi I've posted a reply to a topic and automatically is marked with "Reported Spam!" ?
Is it waiting moderation?
There is something wrong with my reply?

You have de post here:

I think that I'm the only one that see the problematic reply (except moderators), so I'll repost it here so everyone can see if it is spam:


Of course I've tried the drill down, its cool!
The documentation is enough.
Suggestion: When you drill down instead of making an ajax call allow to instantiate the plugin with all the data.
["Tom",1238,"#AA0000","Tom ^ ",

             ["Jan",1238,"#AA0000","Jan ^ "],

            ["Feb",1069,"#AA0000","Feb ^ "],
             ["Mar",1214,"#AA0000","Mar ^ "],
             ["Apr",1262,"#AA0000","Apr ^ "],
             ["May",1975,"#AA0000","May ^ "],
             ["Jun",1076,"#AA0000","Jun ^ "]
["Dick",1069,"#AA0000","Dick ^ "],
["Harry",1214,"#AA0000","Harry ^ "],
["Mary",1262,"#AA0000","Mary ^ "],
["Louise",1975,"#AA0000","Louise ^ "],
["Sue",1076,"#AA0000","Sue ^ "]

See what I mean, all the data is there from the begining.
Suggestion #2: make the pluggin self contained, init it and nothing else no:
In the Drill down example there a lot of code outside the plugin and it confuses me, I don't know if all the code is necessary for the plugin to work or with
$("#chart_div").ddBarChart({ .......
will be enough

 If I have more ideas I'll will post them here :)