request for help with terminology

request for help with terminology

I am getting ready to copy & paste Google Analytic's tracking code so that my website can be tracked by Google Analytics. However, on one of the instruction pages the following is stated: "Be sure to copy the snippet and paste it directly onto your website using either a text editor or an editor that preserves code formatting. We recommend that you do not use a word processor to copy the snippet from your account. Doing so can add an extra space or change the quotation marks in the tracking snippet, which requires precise formatting in order to work."
Well, I'm pretty ignorant about computer terminology. Is the previous statement saying that it is not advisable to use your computer's mouse to copy the code (and then directly paste it onto the pages of my website)?

I would GREATLY appreciate help with my above question!!

Also, pehaps someone might know the answer to the following (second) question: I'm suppose to paste the Google code immediately prior to the closing </head> tag. On most (or all) of my website pages, the closing </head> tag is immediately preceded by > So should I paste the Google code BETWEEN the >< ?

I can't seem to get anyone to answer these questions on Google's forum, so hopefully someone here can help me.