Responsive design and table click & touch events

Responsive design and table click & touch events

Hi there,
I planned to make a responsive web site, reachable with smarth phones, tablets and desktop computers. As I'm already familiar with jQuery I decided to add also jQ mobile and solve this problem because jQm looks nice, easy to implement... but I faced myself with input devices events; one of my project pages has a HTML tables with many columns (more than 12) and I planned to implement doubletap and press&hold onto table cell in order to call different dialogs or functions... but it fails! If desktop devices are able to recognize click and return ID and contents of clicked cell then touch devices aren't! I tried many tricks I knew, searched on Web but I wasn't able to get working solution. So, please, tell me, is there some technique that ensure right implementation of clicks & touches in this case!? Do I need some plugin, like HammerJS or jQm has its own solution that I didn't saw? Thank you very much.