Retain Form Data

Retain Form Data

Hi, I am new to JQuery. Just have a couple of questions but first let
me tell you that I am planning to have a recipe submission by showing
the user by default one input box for each ingredient and direction.
If the user wishes to add another ingredient, javascript will create
another input box on the fly. What I am about to achieve are:
1.) I need to create an input box on the fly upon clicking an "add
another ingredient" button/link or "add another direction" button/link
2.) I need to retrain the form data that is inputted by the user if
ever a page is refreshed and/or give them warning that they are about
to lose their data or something like that.
Is this something that a JQuery can achieve? Please advice.
Insights and or sample working code is highly appreciated. Thank you
for the help and time.