Returning selected value to calling page

Returning selected value to calling page


I am developing a jquery mobile page using 1.3.2 and want to develop follwing page

Select Region  (drop down box)      *1
   [ Region 1]       

Customer Code : [                          ]   Input box disable *2

[Fetch customer for selected region]  button *3

[show customer orders] Button  *4

*1 : Region drop down where user will be able to select region from dropdown

*3 : When This button is clicked it calls a new window or popup which is generated from jsp page which will display only customers belonging to selected region (*1) as a radio boxes. When user selects any of the customer the control will go to previous page and *2 will get populated with the selected customer value

*4 : When this button is pressed it will submit the form and the selected customer order details will be displayed on next page.

I am not able to figure out how the *3 action should be return so that the control will pass from page1 to page 2 and on any action on page 2 the selected value to be passed back to page 1.

pl. guide. Thanks in Advance