rpjquery infinite photo carousel not working on explorer and on chrome

rpjquery infinite photo carousel not working on explorer and on chrome


I followed this tutorial that I will link, I got it looking and working perfectly on Firefox, I am very pleased with the result, I a different look as the one on the video, because the guy make some changes that I didn't, he changed the buttons, original are more discreet.

The problem I have is that it doesn't work on explorer, obviously, but also it doesn't work on chrome.

On this web browser the image is still and the little squares bellow the main pictures that indicate the pictures and numbers don't appear

The problem is that I don't know anything about coding, I just followed the tutorial step by step and used the resources given so I don't know how to solve this.

I just need a banner that will scroll automatically and infinity on my web site with different pictures.

this one fitted perfect my needs and I managed to customize it size and position on the page.

I have looked for other but If I don't have a tutorial that show step by step how to set it up I can't use it.

well I am posting hear with the hope that somebody will be familiar with this carousel and could tell me what is the problem and how to fix it.

