RSS Feed - Broken by design?

RSS Feed - Broken by design?

I use Thunderbird. I've installed a plugin that allows me to retrieve the RSS feed from this forum, but there is a problem. Basically, the RSS feed is broken by design.

The HTML provided to Thunderbird includes this bit of CSS:

  1.  #content {
  2. display: none;
and in case you didn't guess, the actual posts in the RSS feed display in the div with id="content" so I'm at a loss to determine whether this is simple oversight/ignorance malicious mischief since I brought it up hours ago on the old mailing list.

I was predisposed against forums in the first place, the longer this "display:none;" abomination persists, the less likely I am to come around.

Moderators and Resig, you are losing membership over crap like this. Please stop alienating us.