Scale (or zoom?) on Phonegap

Scale (or zoom?) on Phonegap



I have a jquery-mobile interface with some text, buttons, combo boxes, check buttons, tables and so; it looks prety well on ios or phone devices, with Firefox, Chrome, Samsung Explorer, and Safari; but when I run it with Phonegap, visual components are all much bigger.

It seems all those browsers are doing a different zoop setting that makes things to fit much better. I build and tested this project using always the default settings for testing in all the browsers, and the app looks very nice in all of them. But now under the Phonegap framework all the things are bigger. 


ViewPort is defined like this:


     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


Is there any spacial thing I have to configure for making the standard JQM to set the zoom?.


Best regards.