Search Multiple Webpage URL and Display as HTML

Search Multiple Webpage URL and Display as HTML


I am normally not a back-end programmer (that's why I can't really understand programming stuff), but I am requested to develop an ios mobile app using jQuery Mobile. WIll truly appreciate it if some kind souls are willing to help me out!

I am currently doing a search function, in which user should type a keyword, and the jquery script should search through 60+ url pages (pages written in .aspx, only can run using intranet) in one go and return links which contains the keyword in it. When the link is pressed, the result should display in the application window as a simple html page (no style or anything). 

My current chain of thought is:
1. preload multiple pages into DOM
2. search keyword in content in the the pages loaded in DOM
3. display result in clickable url / static html 

Would like to ask if my idea is correct?
I have seen some $mobile.loadPage() , .load(), $mobile.changePage(), but did not know how to implement them / connect them together.

Is there any suggestion how I can start / refer to in order to get this search feature up?

Thank you very much in advance!