Select drop down is appeared in bottom of the page

Select drop down is appeared in bottom of the page

Hi All,
        I am using struts1.3 with jQuery. I wish to achive data-native-menu='false' for good view. Following this code, the drop down options are displayed not really below the component. Its showing bottom of the page.

What is wrong in this code? Pls..

<label for="select-choice-1" class="select">State</label>
      <div data-role='fieldcontain'>
             <select data-native-menu="false" name='stringselect'  id='stringselect'>
                         <option data-role="none" data-placeholder='true'>Choose one...</option>
                         <option data-role="none" data-addoption='true' value='S'>start</option>
                         <option data-role="none" data-addoption='true' value='C'>completed</option>
                         <option data-role="none"  data-addoption='true' value='CD'>close</option>