Selecting an element in a cloned (repeater) field.

Selecting an element in a cloned (repeater) field.

I'm using two jQuery plugins: CloneYa - to clone a group of two fields and Numeric Stepper - to add stepper functionality to one of the two fields being cloned. 

I'm unable to figure out how to apply the stepper to the element which is cloned. The cloned element is getting a dynamically incrementing ID and I don't know how to make it work with class selection. 

Here's jsFiddle to show my issue:

1. Without cloning, the stepper works on second field (as expected).

2. Press the green button to clone the group of fields. The stepper does not function on the cloned element. 

All the events available with CloneYa are documented here:

My best attempt so far -

  1.  /* Group Cloning
  2.              ------------------------------------------------- */
  3.             $('#clone-group-fields').cloneya({
  4.                 maximum: 5
  5.             });

  6.             $('#months').stepper({
  7.                 wheel_step: 1,
  8.                 arrow_step: 0.2
  9.             }).on('after_clone.cloneya', function(toClone, newClone) {
  10.                 $(newClone).find(".gui-input").stepper({
  11.                     limit: [0, 50],
  12.                     wheel_step: 1,
  13.                     arrow_step: 1
  14.                 });
  15.             });

What am I doing wrong?