selectMenu() not working on dynamically generated HTML select

selectMenu() not working on dynamically generated HTML select

So I have a table with a bunch of selects and I apply selectMenu to them and they work great.  

Then I have an option for the user to dynamically insert an additional row, so I have a javascript function that inserts a new html row with cells and an HTML select inside one of the cells. 

Then I execute the following javascript to transform the new select into the selectMenu version.

  1.   $('#dailyblock' + weekdayid + '-' + scheduleid + '-' + childid).selectmenu({
  2.               style:'popup',
  3.               width:200,
  4.               format:multiLine
  5.   });
Obviously, the weekdayid, scheduleid and childid are passed in.

So the weird thing is, that I could have two or more tables on the same page with the same functionality and this code always works on the first table but never on subsequent tables.  
The HTML is inserted properly, so the row is there with the selects and everything, but they're just plain HTML selects.  No selectMenu styling is applied even though I've confirmed that the function is being called.

I thought maybe I had duplicate IDs or something but I looked at the source code and the id for each select is unique.  I also verified that the select exists in the dom by alerting the object, and it's there but for some reason the selectMenu is never applied.  

There are no javascript errors.  

Any ideas how I can debug this, or solve this?