Selector attribute filter bug in 1.3?

Selector attribute filter bug in 1.3?

The documentation for the [attr!=value] filter reads: "Matches
elements that either don't have the specified attribute or do have the
specified attribute but not with a certain value."
In 1.2.6 $("li[class!='zoom']") would give me both LI elements without
a class attribute and those with a class attribute not equal to
'zoom'. In 1.3 I only get LI elements with a class attribute defined
(and not equal to 'zoom'). To me this seems like a bug, and not the
best behaviour. It's also in conflict with the expected behaviour
described in the documentation.
I'm a bit new to jQuery development, so if I have wrong expectations
or there's a better way for this, please enlighten me. But I thought
I'd report this in case it really is a bug in Sizzle or jQuery 1.3.