Send additional data on normal ajax link

Send additional data on normal ajax link

Hey guys,

Iam searching for a solution to send data through a normal link.
Follwing system (Multiple Page site):

    <div data-role="page" id="site1">
        <div data-role="header">  
        <div class="ui-content"> 

    <div data-role="page" id="site2">
        <div data-role="header">  
        <div class="ui-content"> 

Via Ajax the site1 gets data from the database with some links like this:

      <a href="#site2?id=1234">
      <a href="#site2?id=12345">
      <a href="#site2?id=123456">

if i click on one of the links i want to have a transition to site2 where i want to process the additional data ?id. But it doesnt work. it doesnt even open the site2. if i write anything else like <a href="#site2&id=1234"> the transition works but without the id=1234 in the url.