Sending picture & data to DB

Sending picture & data to DB


Little difficulte to explain my problem...
Ok I have a form with inputs and image upload.

I have two object JSON
One with the image converted to Base64 then converted to JSON string
One with all the other inputs.

Now I want to send it to my controller and DB. But I totally don't succeed.
This is a github link to check the HTML and controllers also a screenshot of DB diagram

The main problem is when I want to send the picture I need the RecipeID (int AddRecipe) but how can I get it to add it to my object...I mean I'm totally lost.... Simply I want to add to my DB the Recipe Inputs + Ingredient linked to the Recipe ID + the picture uploaded linked to the recipeID!

God forgive me, I'm a noob.
Thanks to the brave guy who will help me !