serialize() doesn't serialize input type=submit

serialize() doesn't serialize input type=submit

Hi everyone
I've been testing some old sites to start using some jQuery .post
goodness and I came across an oddity
I decided to serialize() my form data so I don't have to specify the
exact data I want posted on loads of different pages.
However I notice the value of any submit buttons isn't serialized.
Took me many hours to figure that out today.
I have a few scripts which branch based on which submit buttons are
pressed - it's perfectly acceptable to have more than one and even
with different name attributes.
I'm guessing it's probably a technical reason as to why submit buttons
aren't serialized as it's quite different from the behaviour of
regular non-JS HTML forms.
Is this on any lists of planned changes for the dev gurus?
Is it worth me filing something in the bugs system?
One suggestion though... it's probably worth mentioning this on the
wiki page for the serialize function as it's definitely not obvious
that's what happens.
I will create an account and do this if anyone agrees... anything to
prevent others from wasting their time!
Cheers, B