Should QUnit work with JQuery Validate plugin?

Should QUnit work with JQuery Validate plugin?

I'm a long-time developer, but a relative JS noob. I'm used to test-driving all my development, and I'd like to bring that habit with me. I'm trying to do some simple form validation using the JQuery Validate plugin. But I can't get it to work.

I started out with a simple test of the equal(1+1,2) variety, and that was fine. Then I put in some a basic form, and added simple validation. It wouldn't work, no matter what I tried. Then I removed the test method, and the form validation started working. "WTF!", said I.

I've tried stripping things down to the very basics, and it seems like having even one call to test() disables the form validation stuff. Doesn't matter if the test is before or after the call to validate. Is there some obvious things I'm missing? Should I even expect these things to work together?
