Side Panel Nor Working on WP8.`

Side Panel Nor Working on WP8.`


I'm creating a JQM based app which is built via PhoneGap Build.

The 'app' makes use of the multi page model(eg 1 physical page per rendered page) and has a panel in which I have links to various pages. For the panel I have 1 html page which is then loaded into every app page via JQuery in a seperate .js file.

This all works fine on Android however, the panel does not appear to be being loaded into the app pages when deployed onto a WP8.1 device.

Panel loaded via 'js/clinical-left.js':
  1. $(document).one("pagebeforecreate", function () {
      $.get('left-panel.html', function(data){
        //$(data).prependTo($.mobile.pageContainer); //or .prependTo("body");
        $("[data-role=panel]").panel().enhanceWithin(); // initialize panel
      }, "html");

Any ideas what's going wrong?


It seems that if I remove the panel from its own file and then add the panel html into the physical page -rather than loading via JS- the panel works. So there is deffinitely some issue with the JQ which tries to  prepend the markup. Perhaps the issues lies with the actual prepend function of JQ and IE ?