Site CSS Trumped by Tabs/Themeroller CSS?

Site CSS Trumped by Tabs/Themeroller CSS?

Hi folks,
I'm running UI 1.7.1, and just noticed that the links in my tab
content are not using my site styles, and are instead using the tabs
styles. I gave it a quick look in Firebug, and indeed the style for
".ui-widget-content a" is trumping my style for "a, a:visited". I
thought I must have missed a setting in Themeroller when I generated
the style, but when I reloaded my style I couldn't find a setting
anywhere that maps to ".ui-widget-content a". I can change the
"content" text color, but that changes all text inside the tab
(widget), not the links. I could edit the Themeroller-generated CSS
directly, but I don't want to do that because then I've lost one of
the very cool Themeroller features: namely, the fact that it
generates a URL from which I can reproduce and tweak my theme, and
presumably upgrade the theme as UI upgrades and evolves.
Is there a way for me to address this short of manually editing the
Themeroller-generated CSS? Or am I missing some other way?