Size of font

Size of font


I have inspected the document, and I don't find any font-size selector to modify font-size of buttons ... where are they ? :P

The computed style for one of them is:

  1. -webkit-background-clippadding-box;
  2. background-attachmentscroll;
  3. background-clippadding-box;
  4. background-color#EEE;
  5. background-image-webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#FDFDFD), to(#EEE));
  6. background-originpadding-box;
  7. border-bottom-color#CCC;
  8. border-bottom-right-radius9px;
  9. border-bottom-stylesolid;
  10. border-bottom-width1px;
  11. border-left-color#CCC;
  12. border-left-stylesolid;
  13. border-left-width1px;
  14. border-right-color#CCC;
  15. border-right-stylesolid;
  16. border-right-width1px;
  17. border-top-color#CCC;
  18. border-top-right-radius9px;
  19. border-top-stylesolid;
  20. border-top-width1px;
  21. color#444;
  22. cursorpointer;
  23. displayinline-block;
  24. font-familyHelvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  25. font-weightbold;
  26. height37px;
  27. margin-bottom0px;
  28. margin-left0px;
  29. margin-right0px;
  30. margin-top0px;
  31. padding-bottom0px;
  32. padding-left0px;
  33. padding-right0px;
  34. padding-top0px;
  35. positionrelative;
  36. text-aligncenter;
  37. text-decorationnone;
  38. text-shadow#F6F6F6 0px 1px 1px;
  39. width151px;

No font-size!!! :(

Thank you !