Sizzle unique+sort properties showing up in .innerHTML

Sizzle unique+sort properties showing up in .innerHTML

Seems like Sizzle isn't cleaning up after itself in IE.
After a few round-trips, I'm seeing a lot of this in an Element that
has it's `.innerHTML` edited and then posted to a server:
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" done2="4" done4="4" done5="4"
done3="4" sizset="4" sizcache="4" summary="">
<tbody done2="4" done4="4" done5="4" done3="4" sizset="4"
<tr class="alt" done2="4" done4="4" done5="4" done3="4"
sizset="4" sizcache="4">
<td done2="4" done4="4" done5="4" done3="4" sizset="4"
I'm also seeing tons of `jquery1234377093764="43"` attributes all
even in places that I'm pretty certain I haven't bound any event-
handlers or data to (not via my code, nor via any 3rd party plugins).
I wonder if there are any plans for making Sizzle less "obtrusive" in
this regard...
(See ticket:
Már Örlygsson