slicknav - can't get it to work at all

slicknav - can't get it to work at all

Dear gurus,
Desperate for help on this one.  I build in Dreamweaver and have managed to use various bits of jquery in some sites I build but I cannot for the life of me get this one to view so something must be wrong with my code and I don't know what.  I've started over about 5 times, even removed my own stylesheet in case that was the problem; changed the position of the script tag and many more tweaks, none of which is working.  With this plug in, before you give it the mediaquery - it should display with both your normal menu AND the mobile menu.  It doesn't for me.  Then when you add in the mediaquery, it should only display below 40em.  I cannot get it to display at all anywhere on any device (PC, ipad, iphone) so I've never seen it!  It's a fairly straightforward plug-in - similar to that which I've used before for carousels with no problem.

So please!!! Can you look at my code and tell me what is wrong with it?!?!  I have created a full site but for the purposes of not wanting to mess up what I've got right so far, I created a special page from template and then detached from template so this is a standalone page with its own css file, then in addition to the slicknav.css and one js file.

2 days I've been just trying to solve this issue having finally found a navigation that I'd like to use.

Utterly grateful for any light that can be shone.