Slide transition is not stable when face big data set on mobile device

Slide transition is not stable when face big data set on mobile device

  I use ListView widget of jqm1.42, and add nearly 1000 items to it dynamically via backbone. when I visit this page from former one, I use ajax navigation of jqm. The effect I use 'slide'. The problem is as below:
  1. The slide process is not smooth, sometimes I can not see the full slide process, just hang and show next page.
  2. During the css annimation, if you do some operation(e.g click a button), it also make the page hang, the response is too slow.
  3. On ios7's safari, the 'toPage' will be zoom in first then full of the screen after the slide animation finished.
  4. If you scroll in first page, when you navigate to the second one, the address input will be shown and make the page move down a distance,whitch make flick feeling

So, how to do it to make the slde effect smooth like the app does?

These problem is serious on the mobile device