Some dev branches cleanup

Some dev branches cleanup

I'm starting to clean up /branches/dev/. Long overdue. A few notes. It should:
- contain only plugins that the team has given a priority of 1-3 (low, med, high)
- contain a separate branch for each plugin
Each separate sub branch should:
- have the same name as the plugin it contains
- be a complete branch of the trunk
- contain a representation of every change that should be made to the
trunk in order to merge that plugin to the trunk. For example, if you
delete a file from a branch, this communicates that this file should be
deleted once that plugin is merged to the trunk.
- have the trunk merged up to it regularly to keep up with changes
I'll try and stay on top of that last point. I got behind the last few months. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
- Richard