Hi there,
This is about a jquery based plugin I'm trying to use in amy application. It's the minicartJS which helps in a nice UI experience in e-commerce application plus some cool features for payment gateway interaction.
Now' I've got the files necessary, the css and the js minified. If you would visit the main page itself www.minicartjs.com you would see the basic sample they've put up for reference. The 3 boxes each have 'add to cart' and the last one a 'view cart' thing to see the cart summary. I'm trying to do something analogous in my application with some alteraions/modifications in behaviour of course.
In the example where you have :
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add to cart" class="button">
I have :
<input onclick="@Url.Action("AddtoCart", "ShoppingCart", new { id=Model.photo_id})" id="btnPlOrder" type="submit" name="submit" value="Add to cart" class="button">
Pretty straightforward, don't mind the server side code it's just for sending some request to do some server side stuff.
If you study the parent sample, you'd see, they're showing the cart pop up for every time the item is added to cart [button clicked]. Now, in my application this I don't need. What I only need is to show the minicart summary upon clicking another link I have on my page with a down arrow image icon. I hope they are fetching and storing the product id, name price and all that. I have all that in my app. as well, just as you see - @Model.photo_id , I halso have photo_nm, photo_price, photo_url.
<a id="mnCart_show" href="">
<img src="~/Content/img/dwn.png" style="width:31px; height:26px; border-radius:10px" />
So, where and how I modify the client script in the plugin js file, is my question. I've studied the file more or less can't find exactly where the region is, that is dealing with the button click interaction codes. I found some of the other regions like modifying the empty cart message, animation speeds, delays etc. all that. I tried searching the code file for terms 'submit' & 'button' cuz those are associated with the buttons in the parent example. No, no luck, I can't pinpoint it. This seems trickier now, than I thought it would be.
Also something else I want to make sure is that:
if this plugin retains the data [added cart items info] across page postbacks; ie when you navigate back and forth through you application and still the plugin would retain the added product info. Because that would make much more sense to use it in my application.
So that's it. These are the things I need help with. Mainly the customization/editing of the js code file to make it behave as per flow I described.
Thanks so much my fantastic forum co-members.