Some issues with selectmenu

Some issues with selectmenu

Hi everyone,
I've been trying out the selectmenu plugin lately, and I believe I
found some bugs. However, before filing bugs in trac, I wanted to
check if any of you were aware of them (maybe they're not bugs but
features!). Here's the list:
- if you call .selectmenu() on a select that is currently in a <div
style="display: none"... />, the selectmenu will have a 0 width when
you show the <div />. Workaround: use a.ui-selectmenu { width: XXXpx;
} rule in the CSS.
- if you call .selectmenu() on an empty select, there is a big
failure; I get "TypeError: selectOptionData[this._selectedIndex()] is
undefined" on the Firebug console and both the original select and the
selectmenu end up displayed
- if you click on the selectmenu, and then click again without moving
the mouse, the selectmenu loses the focus and the whole page gets the
focus (I don't think this is the intented behaviour if I understood
well the comments on the Filament blog post).
All of this has been tested with latest Firefox 3.5. Just tell me if
these are actually bugs, and I will file them in the bug tracker.
Maybe you should create a category for this component because I'm
afraid there is none at the moment.