Some new selectors...intrv(), intrvR(), slct() and slctR()

Some new selectors...intrv(), intrvR(), slct() and slctR()

Hello, everybody...

I'm new on the forum, and also new with the using of JQuery.
There is a long time that I want learn JQuery, but I will not have the time to do.

So the last week, ones of my friends ask me if I'll know JQ and if I could help him...
I answer him, no...I don't know JQ for the moment... But wait a lot I will take a look on it this night
and we will see it tomorrow... We resolves the problem together the next day and seduced by possibilities
of JQ I'm continuing to study...

Now, I would like to purpose you some new selectors that I've add to my library.

--The 'Interval' selectors:
      intrv() and intrvR()

      With this selectors you can match a range of object
  1. $('td:intrv(3,7)').css({'background-color':'#cccccc'});
  2. $('td:intrvR(3,7)').css({'background-color':'#cccccc'});
      The first line will match the cells 3 to 7 of all the tables in the page.
      The second one will do the inverse.

--The 'Selection' selectors:
      slct() and slctR()

      with this selectors you can match a defined selection of object
  1. $('td:slct(3,7,2,8)').css({'background-color':'#cccccc'});
  2. $('td:intrvR(3,7,2,8)').css({'background-color':'#cccccc'});
The first line will match the cells 2, 3, 7 and 8 of all tables in the page.
and the second line will do the inverse exactly as the two others selectors.

The code:

on the line 3655 of the JQ library replace the line by this:
  1. POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|intrvR|intrv|slctR|slct|even|odd)(?:\(([\d,]*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
on the line 4007 add this:
  1.         intrv: function(elem, i, match){
                return i >= intr[0] - 0 && i<=intr[1] -0;
            intrvR: function(elem, i, match){
                return i <= intr[0] - 1 || i>=intr[1] -0 +1;
            slct: function(elem, i, match){
                    if(i==sl[r]){return 1;};
                return 0;
            slctR: function(elem,i,match){
                    if(i==sl[r]){return 0;};
                return 1;

With the hope that's will be useful for all and it will be added to the next version of the JQ library.
I have some other ideas, but all in good time...

Thanks for reading...


ps: sorry for my english, i'm not an mentionned in my pseudo... lol