Some Observations

Some Observations

While building an example application, I noticed a few issues:
- .slider() can't be used on an input, instead I have to manually create a div, insert that, handle the resulting layout issues...
- there is no demo that shows how to use draggable and droppable to add items to a container; there is the simple photo manager demo, but thats way too complex
-> my attempt at inserting the ui.helper at the droppable had two results: either nothing happened (helper was killed), or I cloned it first, but then ended up with position:absolute and the position styles
- the theme font-sizes are irritating: as soon as I apply a tabs widget, the font-size of the tabs content changes, I dunno why and I don't know how to set it up so that I can toggle tabs without affecting contents font-sizes
- themeroller bookmarklet works well, but takes a long time to load and doesn't seem to cache anything, when loading it again, the load time is just as bad
On the other hand:
- tabs work well as is, and the markup is easy enough to write down without having to lookup the docs or copy an example
Any thoughts on these? I can put comments on the appropiate wiki pages later on.