Sortable Bug?

Sortable Bug?

I'm using draggables and dropping them into a droppable, which is also
a sortable (all of which are DIVs). The problem occurs when I sort the
elements in the droppable/sortable list;
* it creates the position: absolute; helper which floats at my mouse
* it creates a visibility: hidden; placeholder at the position of my
Which are both fine, but after releasing my helper, it disappears, the
visibility: hidden; placeholder becomes visible, BUT an additional
visibility: hidden; element is appended to the droppable/sortable list
- so my list grows and grows with invisible elements (that take up
At the moment I'm getting around it by adding;
update: function(ev,ui) {
To the sortable... but if you continuously sort enough even this hack
isn't foolproof.
Let me know if you think this is a potential bug, and I'll post up
some HTML source code for your perusal.