Sortable offset when scrolling

Sortable offset when scrolling

Hello Everyone:
I have a problem with a sortable table when I attempt to put scroll bars on it.  The offset is off and it makes the use of it very bad.  Everything works fine without the scroll bars.  And with the scroll bars it works fine using FireFox.  My problem is with IE8.  I've attached a simple zip file with an easy example.  I'm using jquery ui /*! jQuery UI - v1.8.24 - 2012-09-28 and jquery jQuery v1.8.3 so they are pretty new releases.
I see there have been some reported offset issues but they are old issues.  Really appreciate the help....
Everything is in that zip file no other css files...  what am I missing...
I also downloaded the latest version of jquery 1.9.1 and jquery-ui *! jQuery UI - v1.10.2 - 2013-03-14
*   and got the same results