Sporadic failure in setting top and left properties in Safari

Sporadic failure in setting top and left properties in Safari

I've a page with an absolutely positioned div containing a few dozen
absolutely positioned divs.
The positioning is performed by $(document).ready(). The positioning
code looks something like:
var positionCharacter = function ($character) {
$character.css("display", "block");
$character.css("top", ratingToY($character));
$character.css("left", relPosToX($character));
Maybe one time in 100, the character positions are wrong in Safari 3
(OS X). They're aligned in a vertical line in the center of their
containing div, although their individual vertical positioning is
I've never seen this issue in Firefox. I've observed the failure in
Safari from jQuery 1.2.6 through to 1.3.2. I'd like to try debugging
it, but I'm not really sure where to begin. Any advice appreciated.