Sporadic wrong option values, various IE versions with Infopath and OfficeLiveConnector add-ons

Sporadic wrong option values, various IE versions with Infopath and OfficeLiveConnector add-ons

I have a web site that uses jQuery to populate and manipulate drop
down lists (option lists).
They are populated by constructing the options and inserting them
using ...html(...).
The resulting markup and code passes my tests. (I use CSE and other
things to check.)
The site runs this process over a thousand times a month, without
Yesterday I got notification of some odd behaviour (3 cases) which I
investigated. (These show up in emails sent to a third party by the
application, but not in my normal loging. I had a meeting with those
who get the emails.)
It has happened on IE 6, 7 and 8. In each case the browsers had an
add-on, either infopath or Office Live Conector.
What seems to have happened (from inspecting request logs and
simulating the process) is:
1) User clicks on selection from drop down.
2) Browser enters value for clicked option, but the value used is not
the current one, instead it the value present when the page first
In other words the browser seems to be losing the current drop down /
option values and substituting others.
This has happened both:
a) When first using that drop down.
b) In a session where the same drop down (same page, same instance)
earlier contained the right values.
So it seems that those browser add-ons may be triggering unwanted
behaviour in IE from time to time.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour?
Is there a known fix for it?