'src' attribute selector fails on IMG tag when combined with a direct descendant selector

'src' attribute selector fails on IMG tag when combined with a direct descendant selector

I reported this as a bug back when all the awesome 14 days stuff was going on, so I wanted to just reference it here in the forum and see if anyone else came across this problem (or my ticket  ).

The long and short of it is that when you attempt to find a specific `img` element by its `src` attribute, it works fine with normal selectors like this:
  1. $("img[src='logo.png']"); // Works
  2. $("#test > img[src='logo.png']"); // Works

However, when you combine it with a direct descendant selector, it fails:
  1. $("> img[src='logo.png']", test); // Fails
  2. $(test).children("img[src='logo.png']"); // Fails

Adjusting it to match the end of the `src` attribute causes it to work again:
  1. $("> img[src$='logo.png']", test); // Works
  2. $(test).children("img[src$='logo.png']"); // Works

I put together an isolated test case and opened ticket #5810

Has anyone else come across this?