Strange icons after switching the directory?

Strange icons after switching the directory?

Hey guys

First, sorry for my bad english, it´s not my motherlanguage ;)
I got a problem with the jQuery mobile icons

At the moment I´m programming on a webpage about a work I got to do from school. I decided to do a mobile version for my website. So I created a new subfolder in the root direcotry. In there I started saving the files. 
Everything worked fine until I wanted to implement some php code in the file. Because this code is linked with a direcotry in another subfolder I got to copy the file into the root directory (otherwise it gave me an php error code, that it couldn´t find the linked php files). Now when I look to the page in the root directory, the icons from the panel (made with jQuery) are warped. Here is the link to my website where the icons are strange:

I´m programming with html and jQuery. I don´t think that those weired icons come from the php code because in the subfolder where the php code is already implemented (but doesn´t work) are the icons normal. 

Does anyone know what to do that the icons get normal again?

Thanks and greez