Stumped on Custom Tweaks to Carousel Image Slider

Stumped on Custom Tweaks to Carousel Image Slider


I am a designer working on a new responsive portfolio site and venturing forth into the scary world beyond basic HTML/CSS. I am using a JQuery plugin for a responsive image slider called UTIL - I've got it working for the  most part but am looking to do a few tweaks:

I want to add forward slashes in between the numbers in the pagination under the slider, i.e. -
01 / 02 /03 / 04 / 05 / 06  etc.  This is a js tweak and I have no idea how to do this.

Arrow Navigation
I've got next/prev arrows that I would like to use to navigate just like the numbers in the pagination.
Again, I've tried to hack the code but can't get it to work.  Any help, thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Much Thanks - Andreu