Stylesheet makes some fonts white shadow, or engraved on subsequent pages

Stylesheet makes some fonts white shadow, or engraved on subsequent pages

I really appreciate jquery mobile - life saver, easy to use, love the popup. 

I noticed on my Web page (on both desktop PC and android mobile phone) that many of the fonts appear with a white shadow. Some appeared engraved at times, but this isn't consistent. It makes the fonts look less sharp and legible. Inline styles and scripts are still in the page during development. 

I also noticed that the jquery style sheet carried over to pages that are not using the style sheet - just plain text and no style, and gives the fonts an engraved appearance - not very legible. 

I don't think this is my coding problem. And it happens if all the scripts (except jquery) are removed. I had to remove Addthis due to conflicts - it disables the jquery popup. 

I would like to get the font situation resolved. Thanks - Dorian