Subgrid populate on page load

Subgrid populate on page load

Is there a way to have a sub grid populate on page load before user interaction with the master detail grid?

What I am looking for is to have my sub grid populate on page load and allow a user to fine-tune the results in the subgrid when they desire by clicking on master a detail grid row.

What I have is two grids fed by mySQL:

Master Detail Grid is used to store product serial numbers along with the service ticket that they are associated with.  I have thousands upon thousands of rows in this table.

The sub grid displays the service ticket details such as tech, customer, status, type of call, etc.  

When the user clicks on a serial number in the master detail grid the subgrid will obviously filter down the sub grid to only the matching row based on ticket number.

The problem is I don't want the sub grid to be blank on page load.  Does anyone know how to have  sub grid populate on page load instead of on user interaction with master detail grid>

Any ideas?