Submit date in different format then is displayed?

Submit date in different format then is displayed?

I am trying to fix the similar issue as specified in

How to make jqueryUI datepicker submit in a different format than what is being displayed?

This suggested to use Jquery altField and altFormat.

I tried this on simple example and it works.

However, the code I have been working on uses some framework which creates the div tag and then same framework later on persists the data. The framework is too generic and the ids are something like "X123-temp". This formats the date with no time (for display purpose only)

I could not change the tag created by the framework, but can add another div eg "X123-temp-hidden" which preserves the time.

However, when we post request it sends 2 information (eg) which is fine

X123-temp = 01 Jan 2010 X123-temp-hidden = 01 Jan 2010 13:00

But the framework uses original key X123-temp to persist the data and because original date doesn't have time included, it makes the time goes to 00:00.

Please let me know if it is possible to send date to server in a different format without using altField/altFormat.

I would like to add that the date field is editable and in the front end I only want to show the date part but the backend I would like to have time as well.