Suggestion for better compatibility with Asp.Net

Suggestion for better compatibility with Asp.Net

Hello all,
I'm exploring JQuery with .Net (and loving it!), but I have hit a
small snag (that I was able to patch locally).
.Net has a convenient method for creating webservices in the same code
file that the page's logic - known as the code-behind. This is the
standard method for using AJAX with Microsoft Ajax. However, these
methods expect their parameters to be passed as JSON encoded strings,
as opposed to query strings. Would it be possible to add this as a
encoding option to the .ajax method?
In my case, I'm going via (the wondeful) jqGrid control, so I can't
perform the encoding myself before passing it to the .ajax call.
However, if it were an option were available, I'm sure jqGrid and
other controls would expose that property.
For my purposes, I'm using the .toJSON method located here:
Thanks and keep up the great work,