Suggestion.. return an error code from trigger(), submit(),etc functions if the following condition exists..

Suggestion.. return an error code from trigger(), submit(),etc functions if the following condition exists..

    Suggestion.. return an error code from trigger(), submit() etc if the following condition exists..
    If you have an input element in a form with the name or id of 'submit', it will cause the $form.submit()/trigger("submit") call to fail.
    Reason, the input element with name/id 'submit' is put into the form DOM element as { submit: <elements html> }
    Line of code failing in jQuery:
    line 1889: jquery-1.4.2 (uncompressed)

    target[ type ]();
    target is the form object in this case, type = "submit"
    target[type]() is trying to execute the input element's html instead of the correct submit() function
    how to check for this condition:
    if( isFunction( target[type]))
        return errorCode;

    No way to work around this problem afaik. This is happening with the DOM    . The only thing you can do is notify the user of an error condition.
    I spent several hours debugging this problem and later found that others had the same problem with jQuery as well as javascript in general. A note in the jQuery documentation to notify users of this condition would be helpful.
    The following code demonstrates the problem:
    Press "submit form f1" button and you won't see a form submission (check url)
    Press "submit form f2" button and you will see a form submission with the appropriate URL
    Press "clear url" button to clear your url,

Good luck,

     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     

<form id="f1" action="#">
    <input type="hidden" name="form1" value="was submitted" />
    <input id="b1" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit form f1" />   

<form id="f2" action="#">
    <input type="hidden" name="form2" value="was submitted" />
    <input id="b2" type="submit" name="submit2" value="submit form f2"/>

<form id="f3" action="#" />

<input type="submit" id="subf3" value="clear url"/>


$("#b1").click( function(){
        return false;

$("#b2").click( function(){
        return false;

$("#b3").click( function(){ // clear url
        return false;       

