Suggestions on improving the Plugins Repository

Suggestions on improving the Plugins Repository

Hi Everyone-
I'd like to start a discussion on how we can improve the plugins
repository to better fulfill the needs of the community. When we
first created the plugins site, there were a lot less plugins. As
jQuery's popularity continues to rise, the need for additional
features for plugin authors is growing.
As the person most familiar with the plugins site, I get a decent
amount of requests for tweaks here and there. Unfortunately, because
of the choice of using Drupal with Drupal's Project module, the amount
of features that can be easily turned on is small. I've been very
cautious at modifying the source code of the Project module for many
reasons. I'm in touch with the leaders of the Project Module, having
met up with them at the last Drupalcon. Currently, there is ongoing
work on the Project module for, and the Project module
remains the last major issue in upgrading to Drupal 6. So,
this problem is bigger then jQuery.
What I'd like to solicit is feedback on the following:
- What works with the current plugins site, what are it's strengths?
- What doesn't work, where does it fall down?
- What are the top 5 major features missing from the current site?
- Are there any other open source project management solutions that
are worthy of consideration to replace Drupal and the Project module?
(PS. Because of the work involved in this, I would consider this only
as a last resort)
- Any other feedback is appreciated
Mike Hostetler