suggestions on spinner
suggestions on spinner
I had not so much time to look into your spinner control. But so far:
- use a span-element as a wrapper. this has two advantages over div
- IE6/IE7 do support display: inline-block on "native" inline elements like span, but not on div
- span is valid inside other inline elements like input-elements, div is not
- don't set height - other than auto - on the wrapper-element, let the developer only style the input and the wrapper will automatically adjust his size
- also add left/right arrow keys to increase/decrease the value
- Mousewheel-support: I really like mousewheel-support. And i think slider should also have mousewheel support. Unfortunatley, this can create usability errors (especially, if you use a lot of spinbuttons on a site / "mousewheel trap"). I have written a plugin, wich implements the same behavior. Mozilla uses with multiple nested scrollable areas to remove mousewheel traps (
I have some questions, too:
Is it planned to support date values in version 1.9? If datepicker is also implemented, it should be easy to calculate numbers from the date-string.
If the user has entered a number, wich is not inside a valid step, will you adjust the value to a valid one or simply go up/down by a full step, if a stepUp/stepDown is invoked?