Swap and save background color with jquery
I have a menu where on every hover of its links the background color of my page changes.
Now, let's say that my default index.html color is blue, and when I hover on about and contact I have yellow and red.
If I click on the about page its background color will be yellow, and if I hover on home it will go back blue.
What happens is when I mouseOut back to the page, the background changed to blue again, same if I'd hovered on contact.
I uploaded an early stage of the website so you can take a look at the problem and the behaviour of the bg.
As you see on the front page the bg is white, but when you hover changes. If you click on pickabrew, you will see the page in yellow as when hovered, but if you go again on the menu hover/out, the page goes back in white as the front page. It should stay yellow though, as it should happen with every other color/page.
I basically have to create a condition that says if the bg-color is the same of the hovered link, keep it like this, otherwise change it to the original one of when the page was loaded, and have an array where I save all the colors for each loaded page. I'm not really good with conditions though, so maybe you could help me?
Would be great - it's the final step before I can create all the pages of the website!